Call + Response

Project Type: Monoprints + Architectural Drawings
Date Completed: Fall 2023
Location: Providence, RI
Advisor: Gabriel Feld
Featured on RisdArch here

...Is an independent study project conducted at the Rhode Island School of Design, led by myself and advised by Gabriel Feld. Spanning a thirteen-week period from 09/06/2023 to 12/11/2023, this series delves into and explores the relationship between printmaking and architecture.

The fundamental premise of the project revolves around the art of translation. It begins with a set of 3-5 prints, referred to as “calls,” followed by a set of 3-5 architectural drawings, termed “responses.” These drawings aim to transpose the logic and mechanics inherent in the prints into spatial expressions varying in scale. Interrogating the translation process between disciplines highlights the distinction between uncovering and dictating the relationship and dialogue between the two disciplines. Furthermore, questions regarding literal vs idea and assembly logic vs composition are also thoroughly explored. The breakdown of the project into these four categories is as follows:

      1: Thinking in Plan
      2: Thinking in Materials
      3: Thinking in Topography
      4: Making a “House”

The project is archived into a printed book format, utilizing varying paper transparencies to showcase the relationship between the calls and responses as well as creating new drawing sets from the resulting overlaps.

Feel free to rearrange, pair up, and split apart the call + responses below and create new pairs with a different narrative.

Week 1 - Call + Response
Week 4 - Call + Response
Week 2 - Call + Response
Week 1 - Call
Week 3 - Call + Response #2
Week 3 - Call + Response #1
Week 2 - Call
Week 4 - Call
Week 5 - Call + Response #1
Week 5 - Call + Response #3
Week 6 - Call
Week 9 - Call
Week 7 - Call + Response
Week 11 - Call
Week 8 - Call + Response
Week 12 - Call 
Week 10 - Call + Response
Week 12 - Call

Process Images